Monday, 28 March 2011

postcards - martin place photos.

As part of our fundamentals postcard project we were each assigned a specific part of Sydney (coogee beach, central station, industrial sites, martin place) and my particular group got martin place (me + vivian + christina + kirstie + rowena). We stopped there on a beautifully gloomy saturday morning and we spent the day sketching, taking photos and pigging out on maccas lol.

This was all done for inspiration for our future postcards. We had to show line, textures, etc within our finished photographs so i can't wait to see how that'll turn out!

We labelled it our "cube" building.
MLC centre.
The fountain.
The gorgeous pillars. Oh so much history.
MLC centre staircase with a rare dose of colour in the form of plants.
Look at the patterns O_O LOL.
Yeah so that was an eventful day.

Friday, 25 March 2011

colour wheels again.

This time, our colour wheels were made of shredded up paper (or so i thought). There were some misunderstandings about whether we were supposed to cut or tear or colour bits. That, and some thought we were doing block colours, and others, gradients. Basically, there were too many miscommunications in our group and our colour wheel in its finished form looked crap lol.

But here's what we did anyway: in our studio class, we all brought in magazines and cut it all up. We were each allocated a specific colour (i received purple-red) and we basically had to make a strip of the colour wheel. That was pretty much all we got right as a group lol.

Our allocated segments.
List of our group.
Everyone hard at work (:
Assorted magazines.
Assorted magazines.
Half done colour segment.
My finished segment (:
I really liked how my segment turned out in the end. I think the colour gradient was pretty smooth and the torn edges really gave it that 'finished' look!

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

colour wheel.

So we (me + christina + toi + tina) had to do a colour project this week - exploring colour wheels and that sort. Who knew colour wheels were so time consuming to paint! Mind warp on how long it took us - a good 8 or 9 hours i think? We ended up staying back in the fbe until well past 8pm to do it, oh dear. (Thank goodness for summer and no daylights saving!) But on the bright side, we're done now and it doesn't look too shabby! Good job guys (:
Testing our colours on a strip of paper.
Watching the colour change slightly as they dry - fun.
Starting our colour wheel.
Half way done.
No flash.
Nearly done!!!!
What can i say? I learnt to mix the most awesome purple ever. Lol.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

we made batman.

Yes, yes, long time no blog. What have i been up to uni wise? Too much work, new friends, and trying out new food at the quad store.

Well, lets start off with our excursion to Bronte Beach two (?) weeks ago. To sum it up: it was definitely not what i was expecting. Arriving a little before 9am was toture - the wind was crazy and the addition of the 'cool' ocean breeze was not needed. 
Look how gloomy the weather was!
However, our morning definitely perked up after a series of interesting activities. We did sketching, we did yoga, we did hip hop. Does that sound like industrial design to you? It definitely wasn't what i was imagining, but damn, it was one fun day. I met a lot of new people too, it was good for interaction and skill work.

After group activities, they fed us a yummy lunch of sandwiches and drinks. Everything looked so nicely presented that i didn't actually want to put a bite mark into my bread xD Haha, anyway, afterwards we got into groups of 4-5 people and we had to design a kite. Personally i've only flown a kite once, around 10 years ago, so my skills were definitely rusty to begin with. That, and i've never studied the art of kite making made the task extremely difficult but that's okay ... we succeeded in the end!

Garbage bags, bamboo sticks, skewers, tape, string.
Everyone already hard at work.
Our "instruction" manual that we weren't allowed to follow.
Our design :D
Teamwork ftw (:
Getting towards the final product.
Testing the durability of our kite.
Look at us :D
Our kite in all its glory.
Everyones kite designs. The Look like piles of garbage LOL.
Everyone on the beach getting ready to fly their designs!
Us, after we won the flying competition i think?
Getting ready to leave.
Our tutors were right when they told us this was one day we'd never forget. I loved it.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

oweek recap.

This is a bit overdue, but it's just a short recap from oweek. I attended most of the week which led to insightful conversations with the 'yellow shirts' (read: they explained to me how terrible the work load is). But the main reason i went was actually due to the built environment faculty welcome on monday - which wasn't half bad. It was an overload of information but in the end it was pretty fun and it helped to prepare me for the first week of uni.

Anyway, to get to know each other, we all participated in an activity. We got into teams of three and we were assigned a certain material to be used. Our aim was to protect an egg from a fall of one story. My team got cardboard and tape. Needless to say, we failed pretty badly, but hey - it was fun! I got to know a few people and they turned out to be really friendly. Funny fact: during the 'planning process' of our design - there was a few miscommunications (lost in translation?) and we ended up drawing diagrams to communicate haha.

Our awesome protective egg pyramid.
And then we sealed it in excessive amounts of tape lol.
Mm that's all for tonight. xx